UniPlot Features


  • Graphic documents with up to 255 pages

  • Help system in English and German

  • Diagrams, datasets, drawing objects can be edited with the mouse

  • Context menus

  • Multi-level Undo/Redo


  • Send to Word, Send to PowerPoint

  • Full screen mode

  • Fast document loading

  • Free UniPlot document viewer

  • Unicode


  • Any number of diagrams on one page and any number of datasets in one diagram.

  • Diagrams with one or more x- and y-axis.

  • Diagram size and position can be specified in centimeters with true scaling, e.g. 1 centimeter equals 20Nm.

  • Axes can be scaled ascending and descending.

  • Extensive settings for gridlines, tick marks and axis titles and labels.

  • Automaticallly or manually scaled axes.

  • Date/Time axes scaling.

  • Log axes scaling.

  • Square axes scaling.

  • Use text for tick labels.

  • Polar diagram.

  • Waterfall diagram.

2D Line Plots

  • Mark data points with symbols and droplines.

  • Connect points with straight or curved lines (spline, smoothing, regression or nonlinear curve fitting).

  • Dash-Dotted lines with adjustable line thicknesses and user defined patterns.

  • Color and hatch filling underneath a curve.

  • Area between curves can be color and hatch filled.

  • Ajustable hatchline distance, line thickness and color.

  • Horizontal oder vertical bargraphs.

  • Automatic creation of editable legends.

  • Upper and lower hull curve.

  • Data smoothing to reduce signal noise.

  • Linear or logarithmic axis scaling.

  • Datapoints can be labeled.

  • Data Cursor.

Contour Maps

  • Automatic or manual distribution of isolines (z-levels).

  • Insertion or deletion of isolines and labels with one mouseclick.

  • Set line style (type, width, color) for one or more isolines or for a range of isolines.

  • Color fill between isolines.

  • Color scale bar.

  • Adjustment of isoline labels to the isoline gradient. They can be plotted with a frame and in the same color as the isolines.

  • Calculation of isoline areas.

  • Cross section of contour maps for x=const, y=const or along any curve.

  • WOT curves can be used as a data hull. Points of the WOT curve can be labeled.

  • The contour map data hull can be freely defined. The hull can contain islands.

  • Splines for isolines and WOT curve.

  • Any number of 2D and 3D datasets can be plotted in one x/y diagram (i.e. power and consumption maps).

  • The data can be drawn as a scatter plot. Extreme values (minimum and maximum) can be marked.

  • Linear, non-linear and Thin Plate Spline gridding methods and data smoothing.

3D Surface Maps

  • Mesh plots with or without hidden line removal.

  • Surface mesh can be clipped at the data hull, set to “0” outside the hull or extrapolated to the edge of the diagram.

  • 3D surface grid lines correspond to the axis division marks.

  • Draw isolines on surface.

  • Orthographic or perspective projection.

  • Bilinear or spline interpolation to change the number of columns and rows of matrices.

Drawing Objects

  • Draw lines, arrows, rectangles and ellipses.

  • Multi-line text objects with centered, right or left justification.

  • Grouping drawing objects to a single unit.

  • Send to back, send to front, drag and resize, copy, cut, alignment drawing objects.

  • Adjustable element attributes: color fill (solid or gradient), shadow, size, position, round edges etc.

  • Adjustable snap to grid for easy mouse editing.

  • Protect objects from accidental mouse changes.

  • Insert pictures (JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, BMZ, EMF, EMZ, WMF, WMZ).

  • OLE server and container. Insert UniPlot diagrams into other Windows applications or insert graphics, tables, text etc. into UniPlot documents.

  • If LaTeX is installed it can be used to insert formula text.

Data Handling

  • Fast data browser. Up to 10000 channels. Rows only limited by file size of 2 GB.

  • Channels can have different data types (4 and 8 byte float, 8-, 16- and 32-Bit integer, date/time. Strings).

  • “Missing-Values”.

  • Filter, sort channels.

  • Add, Transform channels using the formula interpreter.

  • Insert/delete/edit of gloabel attributes or channel attributes.

  • Delete channels or rows.

  • Freeze columns.

  • Create Excel Reports.

  • The Browser can be extended by user defined functions.

  • Import ASCII- or Microsoft-Excel (incl. Excel 2007), VS100/INCA-, dBase-, Lotus-, FEVIS-, Combi-, IFILE-, netCDF-, MATLAB and other Data formats. New filters can be added using the build in language UniScript Data base access e.g. via ADO or DAO.

  • Import time signals (1D data).

  • Import x/y data curves (2D data).

  • Import irregularly distributed 3D data.

  • Import equidistantly distributed matrix data.

  • Import non-equidistantly distributed matrix data.

  • Import hull data.

  • Export interpolated matrix data.

  • Export hull data.

  • ASAM-ODS database (RPC and Corba).

UniScript Programming Language

  • UniScript is a matrix orientated interpreter with a C-like syntax.

  • Add new functions to UniPlot.

  • Automate repetitive tasks.

  • Analyse and transform data.

  • Functions to alter menus and to create dialog boxes. Dialog boxes can contain text, edit fields, list boxes, combo boxes and check boxes.

  • Trigonometric, sort, search, read and write (ASCII, Excel, binary) functions.

  • Linear algebra (inverse, eigenvalues, determinants etc. - these functions build on BLAS/LAPACK/LINPACK routines).

  • FFT and iFFT.

  • Systems of ordinary differential equations.

  • Fitting splines.

  • Non-linear regression.

  • Complex numbers: most of the operators and mathematical functions can be applied for complex numbers.

  • Strings: string vectors and matrices, concatenate, compare, search and replace, sort.

  • Flow control: for, while, break, continue, return, if-then-else, try-except.

  • UniPlot has some thousand functions. New functions can be defined by user.

  • DLL’s (dynamic linking) written in C, C++ or other languages can be loaded to UniPlot.

  • UniScript has access to all documents, data sets, diagrams, drawing objects, menus, editors belonging to UniPlot.

  • UniPlot is an ActiveX Server and ActiveX Client.

  • UniPlot is an OLE Server.

  • Source code debugger.

  • Editor with syntax highlighting.

  • UniScript can be used as a stand alone program

System Requirements

  • Windows 8/10/11.